In response to hundreds of emails, we conducted an ogoplex review to see what all the fuss was about. Not surprisingly, we discovered that it is just another overhyped sexual enhancement product with little if any efficacy.
Ogoplex pure extract is a European import, and rather than stimulate blood flow to the penis and alleviate stress as many other herbal sexual enhancement products do, this one claims to increase "the ropes", which are orgasm contractions.
Ogoplex pure extract comes from a plant seed from Sweden that supposedly has been used for generations to enhance sexual capacity.
The manufacturers claim it can increase number of ejaculatory contractions (ropes as the Europeans call them), provide stronger deeper contractions, increase the amount of ejaculate, and improve recovery time.
This all sounds well and good, but we found no scientific data proving that ogoplex actually works, and no explanations as to how the product improves orgasms on their site.
Boland Naturals, the product's manufacturer, offer vague information about Ogoplex extract. Their "FAQ" and "Learn about Ropes" pages do not provide any real data.
Bottom Line: We don't believe this product has any substantial effect, and couldn't find any positive reviews anywhere (except on the Ogoplex extract site of course!)
If you are looking for a sexual enhancement product, you are probably better off with one that has a blend of scientifically proven herbal extracts that have been shown to improve and maintain erections.
Our Ogoplex review has revealed that you are probably better off with a more complete herbal sexual enhancement product rather than one with only a single, untested ingredient.
Through our extensive research we have discovered a breakthrough male enhancement product that we have had tremendous success with.
This special natural product is called VigRX Plus and it contains vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and other therapeutic nutrients that can significantly enhance penis size, improve orgasms as well as promote overall male health.
VigRX Plus is specially formulated just for men, and contains a special blend of nutrients that can stimulate circulation to the penis as well as balance the body's natural hormones and relax the mind.
Many of our male editors have had success with this product. They have used it as a safe, natural alternative to Ogoplex pure extract and other controversial sexual enhancement products.
They have noticed considerable increases in sex drive, erection quality and sexual energy, as well as improvement in overall health.
Try VigRX Plus for yourself and see how you can significantly improve your sex life today!
As with all health supplements, be sure to consult your physician or qualified medical professional before taking any sexual enhancement products, ogoplex pure extract or any other supplements.
Our Ogoplex review has revealed that you are probably better off with an alternative, as the evidence of its efficacy is non-existent and there is not much science to back up their claims. Ogoplex extract is not a heavily-tested herbal supplement.
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